Implementing a microservice domain model with .NET Core

In the previous section, the fundamental design principles and patterns for designing a domain model were explained. Now it is time to explore possible ways to implement the domain model by using .NET Core (plain C# code) and EF Core. Note that your domain model will be composed simply of your code. It will have just the EF Core model requirements, but not real dependencies on EF. You should not have hard dependencies or references to EF Core or any other ORM in your domain model.

Domain model structure in a custom .NET Standard library

The folder organization used for the eShopOnContainers reference application demonstrates the DDD model for the application. You might find that a different folder organization more clearly communicates the design choices made for your application. As you can see in Figure 9-10, in the ordering domain model there are two aggregates, the order aggregate and the buyer aggregate. Each aggregate is a group of domain entities and value objects, although you could have an aggregate composed of a single domain entity (the aggregate root or root entity) as well.

Figure 9-10. Domain model structure for the ordering microservice in eShopOnContainers

Additionally, the domain model layer includes the repository contracts (interfaces) that are the infrastructure requirements of your domain model. In other words, these interfaces express what repositories the infrastructure layer must implement and how. It is critical that the implementation of the repositories be placed outside of the domain model layer, in the infrastructure layer library, so the domain model layer is not “contaminated” by API or classes from infrastructure technologies, like Entity Framework.

You can also see a SeedWork folder that contains custom base classes that you can use as a base for your domain entities and value objects, so you do not have redundant code in each domain’s object class.

Structuring aggregates in a custom .NET Standard library

An aggregate refers to a cluster of domain objects grouped together to match transactional consistency. Those objects could be instances of entities (one of which is the aggregate root or root entity) plus any additional value objects.

Transactional consistency means that an aggregate is guaranteed to be consistent and up to date at the end of a business action. For example, the order aggregate from the eShopOnContainers ordering microservice domain model is composed as shown in Figure 9-11.

Figure 9-11. The order aggregate in Visual Studio solution

If you open any of the files in an aggregate folder, you can see how it is marked as either a custom base class or interface, like entity or value object, as implemented in the Seedwork folder.

Implementing domain entities as POCO classes

You implement a domain model in .NET by creating POCO classes that implement your domain entities. In the following example, the Order class is defined as an entity and also as an aggregate root. Because the Order class derives from the Entity base class, it can reuse common code related to entities. Bear in mind that these base classes and interfaces are defined by you in the domain model project, so it is your code, not infrastructure code from an ORM like EF.

// Entity is a custom base class with the ID
public class Order : Entity, IAggregateRoot
    public int BuyerId { get; private set; }
    public DateTime OrderDate { get; private set; }
    public int StatusId { get; private set; }
    public ICollection<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; private set; }
    public Address ShippingAddress { get; private set; }
    public int PaymentId { get; private set; }
    protected Order() { } //Design constraint needed only by EF Core
    public Order(int buyerId, int paymentId)
        BuyerId = buyerId;
        PaymentId = paymentId;
        StatusId = OrderStatus.InProcess.Id;
        OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        OrderItems = new List<OrderItem>();

    public void AddOrderItem(productName,
        // Domain rules/logic for adding the OrderItem to the order
        // ...
        OrderItem item = new OrderItem(this.Id, ProductId, productName,
            pictureUrl, unitPrice, discount, units);

    // ...
    // Additional methods with domain rules/logic related to the Order aggregate
    // ...

It is important to note that this is a domain entity implemented as a POCO class. It does not have any direct dependency on Entity Framework Core or any other infrastructure framework. This implementation is as it should be, just C# code implementing a domain model.

In addition, the class is decorated with an interface named IAggregateRoot. That interface is an empty interface, sometimes called a marker interface, that is used just to indicate that this entity class is also an aggregate root.

A marker interface is sometimes considered as an anti-pattern; however, it is also a clean way to mark a class, especially when that interface might be evolving. An attribute could be the other choice for the marker, but it is quicker to see the base class (Entity) next to the IAggregate interface instead of putting an Aggregate attribute marker above the class. It is a metter of preferences, in any case.

Having an aggregate root means that most of the code related to consistency and business rules of the aggregate’s entities should be implemented as methods in the Order aggregate root class (for example, AddOrderItem when adding an OrderItem object to the aggregate). You should not create or update OrderItems objects independently or directly; the AggregateRoot class must keep control and consistency of any update operation against its child entities.

For example, you should not do the following from any command handler method or application layer class:

// Code in command handler methods or Web API controllers
//... (WRONG) Some code with business logic out of the domain classes ...
OrderItem myNewOrderItem = new OrderItem(orderId, productId, productName,
    pictureUrl, unitPrice, discount, units);

//... (WRONG) Accessing the OrderItems colletion directly from the application layer // or command handlers

In this case, the Add method is purely an operation to add data, with direct access to the OrderItems collection. Therefore, most of the domain logic, rules, or validations related to that operation with the child entities will be spread across the application layer (command handlers and Web API controllers).

If you go around the aggregate root, the aggregate root cannot guarantee its invariants, its validity, or its consistency. Eventually you will have spaghetti code or transactional script code.

To follow DDD patterns, entities must not have public setters in any entity property. Changes in an entity should be driven by explicit methods with explicit ubiquitous language about the change they are performing in the entity.

Furthermore, collections within the entity (like the order items) should be read-only properties (the AsReadOnly method explained later). You should be able to update it only from within the aggregate root class methods or the child entity methods.

As you can see in the code for the Order aggregate root, all setters should be private or at least read-only externally, so that any operation against the entity’s data or its child entities has to be performed through methods in the entity class. This maintains consistency in a controlled and object-oriented way instead of implementing transactional script code.

The following code snippet shows the proper way to code the task of adding an OrderItem object to the Order aggregate.

// The code in command handlers or WebAPI controllers, related only to application stuff
// There is NO code here related to OrderItem object’s business logic
myOrder.AddOrderItem(productId, productName, pictureUrl, unitPrice, discount, units);

// The code related to OrderItem params validations or domain rules should
// be WITHIN the AddOrderItem method.


In this snippet, most of the validations or logic related to the creation of an OrderItem object will be under the control of the Order aggregate root—in the AddOrderItem method—especially validations and logic related to other elements in the aggregate. For instance, you might get the same product item as the result of multiple calls to AddOrderItem. In that method, you could examine the product items and consolidate the same product items into a single OrderItem object with several units. Additionally, if there are different discount amounts but the product ID is the same, you would likely apply the higher discount. This principle applies to any other domain logic for the OrderItem object.

In addition, the new OrderItem(params) operation will also be controlled and performed by the AddOrderItem method from the Order aggregate root. Therefore, most of the logic or validations related to that operation (especially anything that impacts the consistency between other child entities) will be in a single place within the aggregate root. That is the ultimate purpose of the aggregate root pattern.

When you use Entity Framework 1.1, a DDD entity can be better expressed because one of the new features of Entity Framework Core 1.1 is that it allows mapping to fields in addition to properties. This is useful when protecting collections of child entities or value objects. With this enhancement, you can use simple private fields instead of properties and you can implement any update to the field collection in public methods and provide read-only access through the AsReadOnly method.

In DDD you want to update the entity only through methods in the entity (or the constructor) in order to control any invariant and the consistency of the data, so properties are defined only with a get accessor. The properties are backed by private fields. Private members can only be accessed from within the class. However, there one exception: EF Core needs to set these fields as well.

// Entity is a custom base class with the ID
public class Order : Entity, IAggregateRoot
    // DDD Patterns comment
    // Using private fields, allowed since EF Core 1.1, is a much better
    // encapsulation aligned with DDD aggregates and domain entities (instead of
    // properties and property collections)
    private bool _someOrderInternalState;
    private DateTime _orderDate;
    public Address Address { get; private set; }
    public Buyer Buyer { get; private set; }
    private int _buyerId;
    public OrderStatus OrderStatus { get; private set; }
    private int _orderStatusId;

    // DDD patterns comment
    // Using a private collection field is better for DDD aggregate encapsulation.
    // OrderItem objects cannot be added from outside the aggregate root
    // directly to the collection, but only through the
    // OrderAggrergateRoot.AddOrderItem method, which includes behavior.
    private readonly List<OrderItem> _orderItems;
    public IEnumerable<OrderItem> OrderItems => _orderItems.AsReadOnly();
    // Using List<>.AsReadOnly()
    // This will create a read-only wrapper around the private list so it is
    // protected against external updates. It's much cheaper than .ToList(),
    // because it will not have to copy all items in a new collection.
    // (Just one heap alloc for the wrapper instance)
    public PaymentMethod PaymentMethod { get; private set; }
    private int _paymentMethodId;

    protected Order() { }

    public Order(int buyerId, int paymentMethodId, Address address)
        _orderItems = new List<OrderItem>();
        _buyerId = buyerId;
        _paymentMethodId = paymentMethodId;
        _orderStatusId = OrderStatus.InProcess.Id;
        _orderDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        Address = address;

    // DDD patterns comment
    // The Order aggregate root method AddOrderitem() should be the only way
    // to add items to the Order object, so that any behavior (discounts, etc.)
    // and validations are controlled by the aggregate root in order to
    // maintain consistency within the whole aggregate.
    public void AddOrderItem(int productId, string productName, decimal unitPrice,
        decimal discount, string pictureUrl, int units = 1)
        // ...
        // Domain rules/logic here for adding OrderItem objects to the order
        // ...
        OrderItem item = new OrderItem(this.Id, productId, productName,
            pictureUrl, unitPrice, discount, units);

    // ...
    // Additional methods with domain rules/logic related to the Order aggregate
    // ...

Mapping properties with only get accessors to the fields in the database table

Mapping properties to the database table columns is not a domain responsibility, but part of the infrastructure and persistence layer. We mention this here just so you are aware of the new capabilities in EF 1.1 related to how you can model entities. Additional details on this topic are explained in the infrastructure and persistence section.

When you use EF 1.0, within the DbContext you need to map the properties that are defined only with getters to the actual fields in the database table. This is done with the HasField method of the PropertyBuilder class.

Mapping fields without properties

With the new feature in EF Core 1.1 to map columns to fields, it is also possible to not use properties. Instead, you can just map columns from a table to fields. A common use case for this is private fields for an internal state that does not need to be accessed from outside the entity.

For example, in the preceding code example, the _someOrderInternalState field has no related property for either a setter or getter. That field will also be calculated within the order’s business logic and used from the order’s methods, but it needs to be persisted in the database as well. So, in EF 1.1 there is a way to map a field without a related property to a column in the database. This is also explained in the Infrastructure layer section of this guide.

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